As I have been sitting all the week doing my homework’s in the same time receiving some A+ :D. I did actually sit and think about where is my life taking me?, where am I going to end up in about a year from now?,
To be honest!, I am really scared … terrified, but I am trying to do my best eventhough everything around me now is running at its fastest speed.
Here are some tips, you can use if your brain where on fire. If you felt out of control:
Try to do these following things!!
Take in
You need to feel to make your senses cooperate with your muscles specially your brain
You need to think about what you are capable of in order to know what you know and what you have to learn
You also need to take in what is new to you and comprehend where your abilities really ends.
And at last believe that you can do it and you are fully capable of doing it.
Believe in yourselves!.